

Whisman Giordano offers free monthly newsletters on a variety of business and personal finance topics, along with the latest happenings at Whisman Giordano. You may unsubscribe at any time. Please note that we never sell or share your personal information. The newsletters are for your benefit only.

If there’s a topic you would like to see covered, please contact us or 302.266.0202.

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Small Business Advisor

This newsletter focuses on the unique issues the small business owners face, whether that be with taxes, business strategies, employment trends and more.

The Tax Report

The taxation landscape is ever-changing for both personal and business tax. This newsletter is designed to share with you important news to help you navigate this complex topic.

The Construction Bulletin

The content of this newsletter is tailored to those in the construction and real estate industries.

Not-for-Profit Advisor

Non-profit organizations have needs that are specifically their own – be it regulations, bookkeeping, staffing and more. This newsletter is designed to help strengthen organizations to help them deliver on their visions and missions.


View past newsletters here.