Oh no, it’s that time of year again when a group of auditors sets up camp in your conference room, taking up needed space to create what looks more like an obstacle course than an office space with our large equipment and wires that look like they were almost tangled on purpose. As if we already weren’t overstaying our welcome, we then insist that you take time out of your work day to assist us with tasks and provide insight on policies and procedures that you’re not sure you’ve even heard of before. We get it. Auditors don’t often invoke excitement in the workplace, but maybe we could change that point of view by offering advice as to how we can help you, not just the organization you work for.
One part of our job as auditors involves searching for ways in which the processes are lacking and offer recommendations to provide greater internal control and efficiency. How can this benefit you? It can benefit you by observing how the processes are implemented by people such as yourself. If you feel there are changes that could be made to improve the current system to provide advantages to you and your organization, this is a wonderful opportunity to talk about them. In doing so, we are able to view your role in the company from a more personal standpoint and act as an advocate on your behalf.
There could also be scenarios where perhaps you have concerns about management’s integrity or suspect fraudulent activity in the workplace. While this scenario is quite uncomfortable for anyone, you can discuss these matters confidentially in an independent environment with your Auditors while remaining anonymous. Better yet, we will even take you to lunch!
Do you know how your role effects the financial statements or fiscal wellbeing of the organization as a whole? Let us explain the ways in which your job impacts the financial statements and how our testing is essential for the reports we issue. We promise all the information we collect is important!
Luckily, we are fortunate enough to have cultivated a large client base and thus, can offer a wealth of knowledge as to what works and what does not work based on our experience and observation. We are here to offer our support in any way possible. Have any questions? Ask away!
As accountants, few things are more exciting to us than a well-crafted Excel spreadsheet that refreshes without messing up our formulas; but as auditors of not-for-profit organizations, nothing is more rewarding than helping our clients achieve their objectives, reach their goals, and satisfy their missions.
Let us serve you the way that you serve our community!